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a vegetarian
with Polenta
Diet Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies
ACNE: Chaparral, Sassafras, Dandelion, and Valerian
AFTER PAIN: Childbirth St. Johnswort, Rosemary and Black Cohosh
AGE SPOTS: Licorice is Recommended
AGING: Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Sarsaparilla, Dandelion
ANEMIA: Cayenne, Dandelion, Comfrey, Barbery Bark
ARTHRITIS: Chapparral, Yucca, Aloe Vera, Alfalfa, Black Cohosh, Valerian
ASTHMA: Capsicum, Dandelion, Mistletoe, Chamomile, Hyssop, Lungwort
BLADDER: Chamomile, Golden Seal, Sassafras, Dandelion
BLOOD PURIFIER: Cayenne, Chapparal, Dandelion, Comfrey
BOILS: Chaparral, Sassafras, Ginger, Chickweed
BOWELS: Comfrey Root, Golden Seal, Dandelion, Chickweed
CANKER SORES: Golden Seal, Myrrh, Burdock, Aloe Vera
CIRCULATION: Capsicum, Mistletoe, Chickweed, Golden Seal
CLEANSING: Sarsaparilla, Chickweed, Golden Seal
COLDS: Comfrey, Golden Seal, Licorice, Valerian Root
COLIC: Catnip, Sassafras, Ginger, Valerian Root, Wood Betony
CONSTIPATION: Ginseng, Golden Seal, Chickweed, Flaxseed
COUGHS: Licorice, Comfrey Root, Ginseng, Lobelia, Black Cohosh
CRAMPS (Leg): Chaparral, Alfalfa, Dandelion, Chamomile
CRAMPS (Stomach): Sassafras, Thyme, Ginger, Wood Betony, Capsicum
DIABETES: Golden Seal, Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Chickweed, Capsicum, Kelp
DIARRHEA: Barberry Bark, Slippery Elm, Thyme, St. Johnswort
DIGESTIVE AID: Fenugreek, Ginger, Lobelia, Peppermint
DIURETIC: Uva Ursa, Dandelion, Juniper Berries
EAR INFECTION: Yellow Dock, Lobelia, Hops, Aloe Vera
ENDURANCE: Ginseng, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Bee Pollen
ENERGY: Ginseng, Capsicum, Bee Pollen
FATIGUE (Mental): Gotu Kola, Comfrey, Ginseng, Dandelion, Fo-Ti-Teng
FEMALE COMPLAINTS: Black Cohosh, Rosemary, St. Johnsowort, Uva Ursi,
FEVER: Fenugreek, Garlic, Golden Seal, Catnip, Thyme
FLU: Golden Seal, Ginger, Slippery Elm
GALL BLADDER: Golden Seal, Dandelion, Mistletoe, Yellow Dock
GAS PAINS: Catnip, Sassafras, Valerian Root, Ginger, Thyme
HANGOVER: Capsicum, Wood Betony, Scullcap, Valerian Root
HEADACHE: Wood Betony, Ginger, Catnip, Chamomile, Thyme
HEART: Mistletoe, Wood Betony, Capsicum, Golden Seal
HEARTBURN: Wood Betony, Catnip, Sarsaparilla, Thyme, Valerian
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Cayenne, Garlic, Gotu Kola, Kelp, Black Cohosh
HYPOGLYCEMIA: Licorice Root, Kelp, Buchu
IMPOTENCE: Damiana, Ginseng, Licorice, Chickweed, Garlic
INDIGESTION: Catnip, Ginger Root, Wood Betony, Capsicum, Golden Seal
INFECTION: Cayenne, Golden Seal
INSOMNIA: Chamomile, Hops, Passion Flower
JAUNDICE: Barberry Bark or Root, Dandelion, St. Johnswort, Chamomile
KIDNEYS: Capsicum, Golden Seal, Chaparral, Comfrey Root
LIVER: Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Blue Cohosh, Hops, Celery Seed
LUNGS: Fenugreek and Thyme, Chickweed, Comfrey with Fenugreek, Ginseng
MENOPAUSE: Black Cohosh, Rosemary, Mistletoe
NASAL PASSAGES: Comfrey with Fenugreek, Golden Seal
NAUSEA (Morning Sickness): Golden Seal, Ginger, Catnip
NERVOUS TENSION: Hops, Mistletoe, Passion Flower, Chamomile
OBESITY: Chickweed, Golden Seal, Uva Ursi, Sassafras
PAIN: Scullcap, Hops, Comfrey, Valerian, Catnip
PANCREAS: Golden Seal, Uva Ursi, Dandelion
POULTICE Slippery Elm, Comfrey, Chickweed
PROSTATE: Ginseng, Kelp, Cayenne, Golden Seal, Garlic
PSORIASIS: Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Chickweed
RESPIRATORY: Comfrey, Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto
RHEUMATISM: Ginseng, Capsicum, Black Cohosh, Scullcap, Sarsaparilla
SEX STIMULANT: Damiana, Slippery Elm, Licorice, Ginseng, Garlic
SINUS: Golden Seal, Cayenne
SORE THROAT: Ginger, Golden Seal, Licorice, Comfrey with Fenugreek,
SPLEEN: Chamomile, Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Golden Seal
THYROID: Scullcap, Black Cohosh, Kelp
TONIC: Chamomile, Licorice, Mistletoe, Dandelion
ULCERS: Aloe Vera, Valerian Root, Capsicum, Juice from Red Potatoes
VITALITY: Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Licorice VOICE: Licorice Root
ALFALFA: The flowering top and leaves of the alfalfa plant, which are
dried and made into a tea, have long been used to treat ulcers.
ALOE: Aloe is absolutely the best external remedy for minor burns and
skin inflammations.
ANISE: Anise can be used to sweeten the breath.
APPLE: Fresh, unsweetened apple cider is a healthy beverage and a pleasant
way to decrease stomach acidity.
BASIL: Use the basil leaves to season sauces, soups, and stews. Make
a tonic to relieve nausea and headaches.
BASSWOOD: A tea made from the flowers is recommended for nervousness,
insomnia, cramps and indigestion.
BAY: Use an infusion of the dried or fresh leaves as a gentle tonic
to help the digestive organs.
BEARBERRY: Bearberry leaf tea may treat infections in the kidneys, and
BEECH: Use an infusion of beech bark and leaves to bathe sores, swellings,
and wounds.
BIRCH: Birch leaf tea is an effective scalp wash that discourages dandruff
and hair loss.
BLACKBERRY: The berries and the root have been used to treat diarrhea
and dysentery.
BORAGE: Borage is a good herb for people with high blood pressure.
BURDOCK: An infusion of burdock leaves, or a decoction of the root has
been used traditionally as a wash for various skin problems, including
acne, ringworm, measles rash and burns.
BUTTERNUT: Rub the skin with powered leaves to stimulate and soothe
sore muscles, bruises, and similar afflictions.
CABBAGE: Adding cabbage to your diet will help keep the liver healthy.
CALENDULA: A lotion made from the blossoms has proved soothing to bee
and wasp stings.
CARAWAY: Caraway seeds and cooked roots of the plant are considered
by herbalists to be strengthening to the intestines.
CATNIP: Catnip tea, made from the flowering top, may be useful for treating
stomach complaints.
CAYENNE: Cayenne mixed with bran and warm water makes a comforting poultice
for the treatment of chest and lung congestion.
CHAMOMILE: A cup of chamomile tea can be used to relieve indigestion.
CHICKWEED: Chickweed is a spring green taken to cleanse the kidneys
and liver. As a fresh salad green or lightly steamed as a cooked vegetable,
chickweed is a safe effective herb for generally strengthening, and cleansing
the system.
CHICORY: Bruised, softened, and soaked for a few minutes in water that
has been boiled, the leaves are a treatment for skin lacerations, swellings.
COMFREY: Powdered Comfrey root, sprinkled on minor cuts, bruises, and
mild burns seem to promote their healing.
CORN: In Appalachia, salted cornmeal is still a traditional poultice
for treating inflammations.
DANDELION: Roasted dandelion root, used as a coffee substitute or as
an addition to coffee, acts as an antidote to many of coffee's detrimental
effects on the body.
DILL: Dill is considered to be stimulating to the appetite and gently
beneficial to the stomach.
DOCK: Dock root is an effective tonic and cleanser for the whole system.
ECHINACEA: The root of the echinacea plant is the part used for healing
purposes. Herbalists regard echinacea as one of the best blood purifiers.
ELDER: Elderberries have been a traditional remedy for constipation,
colic, diarrhea, colds and rheumatism.
ELECAMPANE: In the form of syrup, lozenges, or candy, elecampane root
is a soothing treatment for asthma and bronchitis.
EUCALYPTUS: Inhale the vapors of hot eucalyptus leaf tea to clear the
nose and help dry mucous conditions.
FENNEL: Fennel seeds made into a tea, has been used to soothe the stomach
and intestines, to relieve flatulence, to sweeten the breath, and as a
GARLIC: Garlic tea, made by infusing several chopped leaves of garlic
in 1 quart of water, has been used as a gargle, or taken internally for
colds and flu.
GINGER: A study showed that powered ginger taken in capsule form is
helpful in treating motion sickness.
GINSENG: A good use for ginseng is help in treating impotence.
GOLDENSEAL: A tea made with the root cleansed skin conditions such as
acne and eczema.
GRAVELROOT: Gravelroot has been used to treat lower back pain, lumbago,
gout, and rheumatism.
HOLY THISTLE: All of the thistles are considered tonics for the liver.
HOREHOUND: Horehound syrup and cough drops are famous cold remedies.
HORSERADISH: The grated root in poultice form is a treatment for easing
chest congestion and muscle aches and pains.
HORSETAIL: Herbalists most often add fall-gathered horsetail to formulas
calling for a soothing diuretic.
HYSSOP: Hyssop has been used in compress form to relieve muscular aches
and pains.
LAVENDER: Warm lavender tea applied in a compress to the head can relieve
a headache or apply the compress to the chest to relieve congestion.
LEMON BALM: The leaves of the lemon balm are used for healing purposes.
A simple infusion is thought to be helpful in bringing down fevers.
LICORICE: Licorice has been used to relieve sore throats, bronchitis,
laryngitis, and other chest complaints.
MARJORAM: The steam from a hot infusion of marjoram can be inhaled to
clear the respiratory passages during a bout with a cold or flu.
MINT: Peppermint tea is a soothing treatment for dry coughs, fever and
other cold related symptoms. Spearmint is best known for its role in calming
the stomach.
MUGWORT: In a compress, mugwort tea has been used to relieve muscle
MULLEIN: For respiratory problems, a simple infusion of 1/4 cup dried
mullein flowers to 1 pint water is a classic treatment. Be sure to carefully
strain the mixture to remove petals and stamens.
MUSTARD: The young leaves of mustard plants are tasty additions to salads
and are believed to have a salutary effect on the liver.
NETTLE: Footbaths of nettle tea are an old treatment for rheumatism.
OAK: A poultice for wounds can be made by bruising fresh oak leaves
and placing them directly on the affected area, and covering them with
a warm cloth.
ONION: Onions stimulate digestion and cleanse the intestines.
OREGON GRAPE: The berries are considered cooling and have been used
in an infusion to break fevers.
PARSLEY: Parsley is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.
PENNYROYAL: The fresh leaves of the plant can be rubbed on the temples
or forehead to relieve headaches.
PEONY: Place 1/2 cup of fresh, macerated peony petals in 1 cup of cold
water in a Pyrex pot. Steep mixture 30 minutes, then gently heat it 10
minutes. Remove from heat, strain off petals, refrigerate and use as a
face or body refresher.
PLANTAIN: The leaves have been used as a local application for piles.
POPLAR: A tea made with the bark, used in an external compress, eases
RASPBERRY: Raspberry leaf tea is believed to be excellent for relieving
heavy cramping during menstruation.
RED CLOVER: A tonic made with the blossoms is used for thinning and
purifying the blood.
ROSEMARY: A tea can be made with the leaves and flowers. Add a pinch
of powered ginger to a cup of rosemary tea to treat a nervous stomach.
SAGE: As a tonic it keeps the stomach, intestines, kidneys and sexual
organs healthy.
SLIPPERY ELM: A poultice of slippery elm powder is supposed to be good
for treating boils and other surface inflammations.
TARRAGON: The fresh leaf or root, applied to aching teeth, cuts, or
sores, is said to act as a local anesthetic.
THYME: An infusion made with thyme makes an enjoyable hand or foot bath.
WATERCRESS: The juice of the fresh leaves has been used to treat acne,
eczema, ringworm, rashes and similar skin irritations.